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Magick Matcha


Hand-crafted by Botanical Lucidity | Ingredients: Green Rooibos, Turmeric Root, Ginger, Cinnamon, Maca Root, Licorice Root, Cardamom, Black Pepper, Nutmeg, Ashwaganda Root, Clove

The Magick Matcha elixir is formulated with organic, pristine ingredients and is designed to provide the body with a clean boost of energy while increasing mental clarity and focus. The pollens present in this formulation can help boost longevity and add micronutrient density to your diet. This antioxidant-rich elixir can be used as a morning coffee substitute, an afternoon pick-me-up, or to fortify and enrich your diet.

  • Rich in chlorophyll, essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids and enzymes
  • Increases strength, stamina, energy and endurance
  • Enhanced mental clarity and boosts brain function
  • Supports overall hormonal balance
  • May aid in general weight loss
  • Promotes a healthy immune system
  • May improve detoxification capacity, as well as other anti-aging processes throughout the body
  • Encourages healthy blood pressure

Use amount suggested on label or to taste with 6 oz of hot water. You may choose to use a nut milk or regular milk for an added creaminess. We also recommend adding a little honey or your preferred sweetener, as it complements the taste of the herbs and wakes up subtle flavor notes of some of the more aromatic plants in this blend.

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