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Botanical Name:  Passiflora incarnata


Native to the southern United States, Passiflora incarnata is now widely cultivated throughout the US and Europe. Passionflower is utilized for its gentle calming properties. This vining plant has showy, intricate flowers, which caught the eye of Spanish missionaries who correlated the inflorescence with the Passion of the Christ, and thus dubbed the name passion flower. Our organic passionflower can be tinctured, steeped as passionflower tea, and incorporated into herbal infusions.

Passionflower is cooling to the body, calming to the mind, and soothing to the spirit. It quells disquietude, calms the ruminating mind, and can promote natural relaxation and helps in coping with stress.* This plant is gentle yet profound. It can be administered as a soothing tea for children or the elderly and can help to calm a restless mind. Other common names include apricot vine, maypop, and wild passionflower.

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.5oz, 1oz


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