Sage Leaf
Botanical Name: Salvia officinalis
For centuries, Salvia officinalis has been a choice herb to flavor culinary dishes. Beyond its use as a kitchen seasoning, sage leaf was historically utilized in traditional European herbalism for its healthful properties. Sage leaves can be infused as tea, macerated as an extract, and used as a culinary spice.
The common garden sage has been known and used for culinary and herbal purposes for centuries. The low-growing evergreen shrub is popular in nearly every European cuisine and is used variously to flavor various proteins, soups, puddings, cheeses and vegetables. Its unmistakable peppery flavor makes it popular for use in stuffing and other hardier dishes. "Why should a man die when sage grows in his garden?" Martin Luther is said to have asked in the middle ages, and his statement is reflected in the herb's Latin name Salvia, derived from the Latin word to heal.
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Quantity |
.5oz, 1oz |
4 in stock
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